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Rey Peña

Senior Executive Recruiter & Account Manager

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Rey is a Cleveland, OH transplant who graduated from The Ohio State University – attaining a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience – and has been in Columbus ever since. He enjoys traveling around the world and meeting new people, training his Belgian Shepherd, and continuously challenging himself to new and diverse hobbies; most recently learning to play the piano and ultramarathon running.

Rey transitioned to the recruiting field from a sales and operations role which focused heavily on the healthcare industry. Holding true to his values of open and honest communication, as well as maintaining an optimistic outlook in situations, he is constantly striving to deliver exceptional results. When Rey is not in the office, you may end up driving by him on the road as he bikes to the rock climbing gym, or pass him in the airport on the way to his next adventure.

Fun fact about Rey Peña

I attribute my success to all the families, friends, and strangers that have impacted my life in some way – every interaction has brought me to where I’m at now, and I appreciate that.

Hands down, it’s Japan! Phenomenal people, amazing food, and it’s incredibly easy to get out to the countryside for some R&R.

As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.

Start investing in Bitcoin when you hear about it, don’t pay attention to price fluctuations until almost a decade later, and place the login info somewhere safe that you’ll remember.

I watch anime.

I could eat as much pizza as necessary…

Germinal by Emile Zola

My favorite travel destination is Munich, Germany. Incredibly relaxing, people are fun and knowledgeable, and there are croissants in just about every train tunnel!

Sergei Rachmaninoff

Experiences. You’ll never get time back, but you can make the best of what you’ve got!

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