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“Can you share recruiter stories on what NOT to do?”

ESS Candidate Newsletter – OCTOBER 2020

Columbus, OH – OCTOBER 2020

In this month’s, ask the recruiter, we discuss things you should NOT do as a candidate.

Introduction – Aaron Wandtke
Positions Filled in the Last 30 Days
Ask the Recruiter “Can you share recruiter stories on what NOT to do?”


In September, Executive Staffing Solutions experienced a shift from the prior six months.  First, we saw an increase in the number of new positions that came in. Then, we noticed a jump in the number of people reaching out because they were ready to make a career change. Because of Covid, many companies were limiting how many people they were hiring and many individuals were not willing to make a career change. We have seen both of those situations change in September.

Another trend that we are paying close attention to is how companies are hiring, on boarding, training and retaining new employees.  We are also closely watching how companies treat their remote workers. We have not had any companies commit to specific roles being permanently remote but we continue closely monitoring the situation. Along those lines, we are interested to see how compensation may change with remote workers.  As we get more information and identify trends, we will communicate those to you.

If there is anything we can do to help you in your job search of help you recruit talent, please let me know.

Ask the Recruiter – “can you share recruiter stories on what not to do?”

With all the heavy news surrounding us these days, we thought it would be a great time to share some lighter thoughts. In these funny stories from the Executive Staffing Solutions diary, we share best practices on what NOT to do.

  1. Forget to consider your background – We had a candidate who chose to do his Zoom interview in front of his rather impressive, fully stocked bar. While he probably did not realize the impression he was giving off, his interviewer was distracted by the sheer amount of alcohol. We also had a candidate who decided to use his white shower curtain as his Zoom call background and took his interview in bathroom. It left quite an impression, and not in a good way.
  2. Order inappropriately at a lunch meeting – We tell every person before every lunch interview to follow the host’s lead on ordering. We had a candidate who decided to order a full 3-course feast for lunch, while her host ordered a simple entrée and glass of water. It was the first thing we heard about in the recap the next morning.
  3. Interview in the termination room – We visited a client who gave us a great tour of the company and was super friendly.  When we went into the room to finish the meeting, we noticed all of these boxes behind the host.  When we asked the host, “Do you do all of your interviews in this room?” she confidently responded “Yes!”  We asked her, “Do you realize every box in this room says terminations on them?”

After 20 years and working with people at all levels, we are still amazed at some of the stories we hear from interviews.  If you would like to share your stories, we would love to hear your funny interview stories so we can share a laugh.


If there is anything I can do to assist you in the interview process, please let me know.

I can be reached at 614-885-8490 or by e-mail at