ESS Candidate Newsletter – JULY 2020
Columbus, OH – JULY 2020
In this month’s, ask the recruiter, we discuss what should be in your resume.
Introduction – Aaron Wandtke
Positions Filled in the Last 30 Days
Ask the Recruiter – “What should I include when I update my resume?”
Across the world, almost every industry has felt the impacts of Covid-19. The healthcare industry is no different. Our client companies have met growing needs by rapidly shifting to a remote work environment. Not only have the companies transitioned well, but so have the individuals working within them. The interviewing and onboarding process has changed across the globe, and our clients have done a fantastic job being flexible and rolling with the punches.
Jobs listed below are urgent needs for our clients, not just “nice to have someone in the position” type of jobs. We have started to have more companies reach out to us for critical openings that urgently need of filling. We understand not everyone is able to interview and change jobs right now. For those who are able to make a job change, there are many opportunities out there. If we can do anything to help you on either front, please let us know.
Ask the Recruiter – “WHAT SHOULD BE IN MY RESUME?”
Many people are working from home and may have some extra time that they previously would have spent in meetings or commuting to and from work. With this extra time, people have been completing home projects they may have put off for some time. Another project that everyone thinks about doing but rarely gets to is updating their resume. Below are some things to consider when updating your resume:
- Made money or saved money – Future employers want to see your impact. Clearly articulate how you helped a project, department or the overall company make money or save money and how much.
- Improved a process or saved time – Besides money, companies are looking for efficiencies that can payoff in other ways. Think about projects or initiatives you led or were a part of that saved a department or the company time or helped the company become more efficient.
- Leadership and initiative – The two most common traits employers are looking for are people who are willing to lead and people who take initiative. Regardless of the role in the company, there are opportunities to demonstrate one or both traits. Think of examples where you may have demonstrated these skills.
Updating your resume is the right thing to do when you are looking for a new job. It is even a better thing to do annually when you are NOT looking for a new role. Use any extra time now to capture your accomplishments so you have these examples for reviews and for interviews. If you need sample resumes to follow for a format, I’d be happy to help.
If there is anything that we can do to help you through a process, please let us know.
I can be reached at 614-885-8490 or by e-mail at