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“How is my job like investing?”

ESS Candidate Newsletter – JUNE 2022

Columbus, OH – JUNE 2022

In this month’s, ask the recruiter, we compare moving up in your company vs going elsewhere when looking to advance.

Introduction – Aaron Wandtke
Recently Filled Jobs
Ask the Recruiter “How is my job like investing?”


In the last month, interest rates for homes have increased dramatically while the unemployment rate has remained unchanged at 3.6% for the third month in a row. There is a lot of news about inflation as it relates to gas prices, home prices, groceries etc. but the labor market has not changed yet.

An unemployment rate under 5% is outstanding for anyone in the job market. We continue to see a strong demand from employers continuing to look for talent. We do not expect this to slow down any time soon which is great for anyone looking for a new opportunity. Each week, new companies and departments are reaching out to us as well to help with their recruiting needs. If your department or company needs help, please keep me in mind.

Ask the Recruiter – “HOW IS MY JOB LIKE INVESTING?”

When is the best time to start saving money? Today, right? When we see people with a lot of money we often say, “They must have made more than I thought they did, or ‘they must have gotten lucky along the way.” Maybe instead, we should be asking “how did you start saving and how did your approach evolve as you got older and earned more money?” The answer you will hear will likely include compounding and how adding each week or month exponentially increased their wealth over time.

When we see someone do something amazing on tv or in their job we often ask, “How did they do that? Or how are they that talented?” What we should be asking is, “What did they specifically do to put themselves in that position?

Some believe the best way to move up the corporate ladder is to change jobs and companies and that may be the right career move for some people. For other people, compounding often occurs staying in the same company, in the same department over time. The knowledge and experience people gain happens over time. The best way to see this is think about the last new job you started at a new company and think how much time you spent the first months learning the landscape, the departments, and people.

At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself if you are building your biggest asset (YOU!!!) staying with your company or do you need to change jobs to build value?

If you need help with this or would like to discuss some thoughts, please let me know.

I can be reached at 614-885-8490 or by e-mail at