ESS Candidate Newsletter – DECEMBER 2020
Columbus, OH – DECEMBER 2020
In this month’s, ask the recruiter, we discuss things you should avoid saying in an interview.
Introduction – Aaron Wandtke
Positions Filled in the Last 30 Days
Ask the Recruiter – “What should I avoid saying in an interview?”
As 2020 winds down and people look forward to a new year, we would be remiss not to take a moment and reflect on our gratitude this year. Thank you to all of the people we have worked with this year in assisting with a job change. The process looked different this year, but we have been so impressed with how both our client companies and our job applicants have been able to adjust. Thank you to all the employers who overhauled their interviewing, on boarding, and orientation processes.
At ESS, we are fortunate to work with outstanding individuals and companies across the entire country. The fascinating part of our business is the story each person has and shares with us while working together. The commitment to families, communities and companies are simply amazing to hear. Each person’s priority and motivation are unique to their life experience and their current goals.
As we finish out 2020, please know ESS will continue to provide the best service possible. Whether you are changing jobs or hiring for your department or company, trust that ESS will be there for you.
Ask the Recruiter – “What should i avoid saying in an interview”
Everyone has triggers that makes the hair on their neck stand up. When talking with some companies recently, we discussed what applicants say that draws their ire every time. Below are the top two phrases to avoid during an interview:
- “As I said earlier or as we discussed” – This cringe worthy statement implies the interviewer was not listening earlier. Any words or phrases that implies the interviewer was not paying attention are a no-no.
- “As you can see on my resume” – In a perfect world everyone would read every resume line by line. The reality is that the interviewer may not have read the entire resume. In addition, many interviewers want to hear the answer in your words versus reading it on a piece of paper.
These comments are not always spoken with a negative intention, but that is often how they are perceived. When preparing for interviews, practice your answers and think about how you would answer questions that already been asked to you or questions that could be addressed on your resume. Your response and your answers will separate you from your competition.
If there is anything I can do to assistance you in the interview process, please let me know.
I can be reached at 614-885-8490 or by e-mail at