ESS Candidate Newsletter – April, 2017
Worthington, OH April 01, 2017
In this month’s, ask the recruiter, we discuss the top four candidate mistakes made during interviews and how to avoid them.
Introduction – Aaron Wandtke
Positions Filled in the last 30 days
Ask the Recruiter – What are the most common mistakes made during interviews?
Hot Jobs – ESS
April always tells me baseball season is here. When I think of baseball, I think of spring training. I think how these successful athletes, regardless of their success the prior year, put in the work to prepare for the upcoming season. One of the things we take great pride in at ESS is continual training year round internally and through both our state and national association. If you are attending any professional development, please let me know as I am always curious what people are attending and what they hope to learn from attending the conference. As an added bonus, if you send me an attendee list from your conference I will enter your name in the gift card drawing.
As we begin the second quarter, be prepared for a big announcement from ESS in next month’s newsletter. We are always working to stay ahead of the curve and stay ahead of technology and we have some new things we are excited to announce next month. In the meantime, if there is anything I can do to help you or your company, please let me know.
If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter geared specially for hiring managers, please fill out the subscription form at the bottom of this newsletter.
Ask the Recruiter – What are the most common mistakes made during interviews?
We will be celebrating our 17-year anniversary in August. During the 17 years, we have experienced almost every type of mistake you can think of. Some day we should write a book about all of the mistakes and crazy things both employers and candidates have done during interviews. This month, we will focus on the applicant side only. Below are the top four mistakes applicants make during the interview process
- Preparation – Companies want to know you want the role. Too many candidates do not read the mission statement and core values. These two items are often the foundation for all behavioral interview questions. Along with reviewing the website, looking the part is equally important. We say, “Be remembered for what you said, not what you wore.” Unfortunately, many people are remembered for their appearance instead of their content.
- Questions – Questions are buying signals and a sign of interest. If you show up with no questions, you are sending the wrong message. Along with preparation, asking the right questions to each person is important. Generic, off the cuff questions that show no preparation send the wrong message as well. Each interview should have specific questions for that interviewer.
- Attitude – Some people seem to think, “Just wait until they see me. They will change the scope of the position and increase the compensation.” Confidence is important but it should not be so obvious to the employer. Employer’s today pick-up on people who they perceive may have an attitude problem quicker than ever before. Approaching each meeting humbled, confident and with an open mind will send the right message to the person on the other side of the phone or desk.
- Name dropping – This along with discussing accomplishments you had no specific input to are two of the biggest mistakes people make. People value relationships so if you are going to name drop, it had better be a strong relationship with someone who is comfortable being your reference. The downside of name-dropping is you never know what the relationship between the interviewer and the person whose name you just inserted.
Theses mistakes can be avoided. If you need help preparing for an interview, please let me know and I will forward some resources that may be of value
I can be reached directly at 614-885-8490 or by e-mail at