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What suggestions do you have for a phone interview?

ESS Candidate Newsletter – October, 2019

Columbus, OH October 01, 2019

In this month’s, ask the recruiter, we discuss tips for phone interviews.

Introduction – Aaron Wandtke
Sampling of Positions Filled in the last 30 days
Ask the Recruiter “What suggestions do you have for a phone interview?”
Hot Jobs ESS


It is hard to believe that we are already in the fourth quarter and roughly 90 days away from a new year.  Time seems to gain momentum especially with our families, careers and definitely as we age. Over the last thirty days ESS took the time and invested in our team sending people to the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio and the National Association of Personnel Services national convention in San Antonio Texas.  We also took time out to support our local community by volunteering at Habitat for Humanity.

As time continues to charge on, it is important to step off that treadmill occasionally and make sure you are heading in the right direction. It can be easy to lose yourself in the day-to-day responsibilities and tasks, and forget to take a moment to check in on the bigger picture.  Taking time to attend a conference, a professional development seminar, or volunteering within your community are all opportunities to evaluate your career and the direction your life is heading.  If there is anything we can do to help support you in this evaluation, we will do our best to help. Have you attended any amazing conferences or personal development workshops that have positively affected your life? We would love to hear about them!

Ask the Recruiter – What suggestions do you have for a phone interview?

Phone interviews have grown in popularity over the years for obvious reasons. The key to successful phone interviews is preparation and having a plan.  Below are some simple suggestions to help the next time you have a phone interview:

1.  Stand up Did you know that your oxygen and blood flow improves when you are standing? Your diaphragm constricts when you sit and talk, and can change the sound of your voice. You will sound much better when you stand up and your chest is open versus sitting and hunched over.

2.  Smile People who smile receive more smiles than people who do not smile. Simple, right?  Try it on the next phone interview and see if you can feel a smile from the other person.  A smile means agreement and approval and that is exactly what you want from a phone interview.

3.  Look in a mirror Try speaking on the phone while looking in the mirror. Two things will happen.  First, you will sound more confident and second you will articulate your words better.

4.  Cheat sheets When people interview in person, they often leave frustrated because they forgot to mention an example from their past. On a phone interview, you can have all of your notes, your resume and examples of your work open and in front of you.  Use these tools so there are no long pauses while you try to think of an example.

If you would like other suggestions on how to prepare for a phone interview, please give me a call.  If you need help in other stages of the interview process, let me know, as I may be able to provide guidance.

I can be reached at 614-885-8490 or by e-mail at